
I have a Cockateil which has just lost it's mate, what I would like to know should I get another mate for it.

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The birds have been together since about three months, they were about one year old.The hen which is still alive has not stoped chirping for the last three days.




  1. it is OK to get a feathered companion but NOT a mate. What would you do if they mated and laid eggs? Leave breeding to the experts. I would get a second female, two females are great because they will not fight. Two males would fight over territory but maybe not if they are siblings. But a female and a male will almost always mate together.

    Give the female some attention and new toys to take her mind of it, then consider buying her a nice female cockatiel.

  2. From what I can tell from your story is that the bird is lonely and is looking for his/her friend. I would definitely get your bird another friend, but don't rush into getting them a new friend. Sometimes you have to give your feathered friend time to mourn. There has been cases where people have bought their bird a new friend, and it was too soon for the bird to adjust to their new friend. Give your bird about a week to 4 weeks, and see what happens. When your bird stops calling out for their friend, it means they have finished mourning and they've adjusted to being alone in their cage. Give the bird time and then consider getting them a new friend. Good Luck and I'm sorry for your loss. I know personally how much a pet can be part of the family and they become somewhat of a child to the owner. Hope I helped, see ya!!!

  3. You must give your bird time to grieve.  She probably won't take to a new bird with her at this time.  This happened to use one time with budgie and once with a conure.  Our vet said not to get new birds because the living one would probably fight with the new one and hurt it.  They were fine without other birds in time and we never did get new ones.  He said birds do not have to have mates.

  4. Mamasgirl is absolutely correct.  Your bird needs to be able to have grieving time just as a human would.  This is what your bird is going through right now.  A new bird would possibly be in danger of a fight.  In a few months, you could get another bird, but keep it in a cage next to your bird until they get acquainted and then see how they do together.  But it is true that birds do not have to have mates or cage mates to do well.  Some times it just makes them dependent on each other and they will not want to bond with the owner....

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