
I have a Coffee question?

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Is three cups of coffee a day (give or take) bad? Because I am only in high school and I don't know weather coffee is bad for you or not. I don't use sugar in it, just milk. But I like all coffee beverages and I'm wondering if maybe I'm drinking too much caffeine or something? I drink tea too, which also has caffeine in it, but that's supposed to be better for you.




  1. Well, I'm 17 and I used drink about 6 a day, plus a couple of energy drinks. Caffeine, when consumed in excess, can be bad for you. I don't think 3 cups of coffee is too bad. Just be careful not to become addicted to caffeine. It doesn't seem like a big deal because it's not illegal or "bad" for you, like pot or something like that. But it got to the point that I had to have 3 or 4 cups of coffee just to feel fully awake in the morning. Now I have trouble waking up in the morning, which causes issues with my sleeping patterns, which leads to stress, and changes in my appetite because my whole circadian rhythm is off. My doctor told me to be really careful because my body is close to it's breaking point because of the stress and I'm on the verge of some real medical issues if these things continue.

    Point is: Don't let yourself get addicted to caffeine. Usually it's not a big deal but it can cause some issues if you let it get too far.

  2. As long as it's not interfering with your sleep you're fine.  Yes, there is a possibility that you could suffer withdrawals if you were to cut out the coffee altogether, simple solution...slowly cut back.

  3. Three caffeinated drinks per day should be tops.  Keep in mind that most sodas are caffeinated along with all the energy drink on the market.  

  4. don't drink that much, especialy since your in high school. 1 a day should be enough for you.

  5. This is way too much for anybody in high school.  It can be assumed that since you are drinking so much coffee and tea, you probably aren't drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day, which you need.  Also, if you keep this up, in ten years, your teeth are going to be gross and stained.  Hopefully that is motivation enough for you.

  6. No, I don't think that 3 cups is too much unless of course if they are 20 oz behemoths! Tea is great but black tea has more caffeine than coffee. Green tea on the other hand does not and tastes great as well as is good for your immune system.  MMM, MMM, good!

  7. Yess

  8. When you find out the answer let me know because I drink way more than 3 cups a day. somebody once told me that it's good for your memory.

  9. i've been drinking coffee for about 35 years. I have two cups of home-roasted at home, and another when I get to work. I'm still alive. The only folks who say it's bad for you are the ones who only eat celery and drink fancy bottled water. Forget them.

  10. It really isn't that bad:) ... Too many kids drink coke & pepsi, or Mountain Dew & energy drinks - all of which have more caffeine than coffee.  Tea and chocolate also have more caffeine than coffee.....Soooo, you're probably getting less caffeine than most of your friends!

  11. since your in high school, so am i, i wouldn't be drinking 3 cups a day. I would say 1 cup should be enough.

  12. Especially while still in high school this is very bad.  Not only is caffien not good for you, but you can get addicted very quickly to it causing it to possibly become a life-long addiction.  I would cut it down to a maximum of 1 cup a day.

  13. 3 a day is pretty bad. i would cut down if you dont want to get really discolored teeth. I work ay dunkin donuts and have alot of coffee, but mann not that much! well hey, here's a bright side that will make you feel alot better about you're caffeine guzzling habbit.

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