
I have a Cooler that I use to Cool my Room Down with. Will Putting it on its Side Affect It.?

by Guest62571  |  earlier

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I just Moved and took my Cooler with me. The Windows are Smaller than my Old House and My Cooler Wont Fit in the Window. I was Wondering if I could Put it on its Side and slide it in the Window, If that will affect it.This will Mean that my Cooler is on its Side 24/7.




  1. You can't turn it on its side.  If it is an AC, the compressor will burn out, if it is a water cooler, the water will escape.  Sell it on Craigslist for cash, and go buy one that fits, pretty cheap right now.

  2. If it is an AC then it most likely produces water when it runs. So the object is to make sure that the water is not draining into the electrical components of the AC.

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