
I have a Directv DVR 40-tivo. Is it worth updating to get more hours and because it is 2 years old?

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I have two of these and direct tv sent me two directv dvr +'s which I hate. I stuck those in rooms where my kids watch and not me. I am worried that my tivo's are going to die soon is it worth it to upgrade them with new hard drives?? Where would I find something like that and how hard is it to do?




  1. I would stick with the unit you have now.  Having a Tivo based receiver is so much better than the units DirecTv is using these days.  

    Your easiest option is to buy a pre configured larger hard drive through weakness-link below.  It is very easy to replace the drive.  

    The next option is to buy and hack the unit with your own drive.  In this process you create a bootable cd, apply the image to the new hard drive, and replace the hard drive in the unit.  The file you need is called 'Instantcake' and can be found through the link below.   You can also use instantcake in conjuction with 'The Zipper' which will install more enhanced features on your unit.  For instance, you can network a 'zippered' Dtivo unit with your pc, you won't need to have a phone line connected, you can view photos and video from your pc to your tv, you can also set up multi room viewing with other zippered units.  For me the best feature is that you can transfer shows from a zippered tivo to your pc and record it to dvd.    

    I think using the Instant cake may be easier than doing the zipper.  So if the instructions for the zipper are out of your league, try just setting up the instant cake.  

    Also, the TivoCommunity forums-link below-is your best resource for upgrade help.  They have an Tivo Underground thread for upgrade help and support.  

    Final note. the general consensus on the DirecTv thread on the community forums is that the hard drive is the first thing to go. So with luck, if you change out the hard drive you should be set for another few years.

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