
I have a F calico 6 yr old cat who has developed what seems to by a cyst at the base of her tail?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed it about a month ago after a road trip and I thought it may have been a bug bite but it has not gone away. She's not a lovey girl so she doesn't let me hold and pet her much but I think it hurts her.

I'm scheduling a dental for her and I want this thing removed and biopsied.

My questions is - Has anyone had anything remotely close to this and if so, what was it? Thanks for all answers.




  1. I also have a calico with a cyst about the size of a golf ball,and she has had it for years now.It does not bother her what-so-ever,so i don't know what to tell you about it hurting your cat.I also took her to the vet,but decided not to remove it,because of the risk of her not waking up.

    Any other questions,feel free to ask.

  2. Might be an infected anal gland.  Cats have scent glands on either side of their anuses and these sometimes get infected.  It is a routine problem.

  3. you should really take her to the vet. you dont want your friend to get sick from it.

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