
I have a Friend what is Scottish, and have a doubt in relation of this (Continue...). Thanks.?

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This friend search a job here in Brazil, and have say him nationality; for get a job in my Country. He say Scottish (from Scotland) or British (from the United Kingdom; Composed by the Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland)?

I want Answers!




  1. I'm not sure what you are asking exactly. But Scottish people are British. Great Britain is the name of the island that Scotland, England, and Wales all share - they are all in the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland is also in the UK but it isn't in Great Britain. Together they are called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. :-)

  2. I don't really understand your question, English obviously isn't your first language. I will take a guess at what you're asking. Technically your friend in both Scottish and British because Scotland is part of Great Britain (Northern Ireland isn't by the way, it is only part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). But officially, when it comes to paperwork and stuff, he normally is required to identify himself as British.

  3. Well Sávio.  Scotland is one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.  As Scots we call ourselves Scots first & foremost as we are proud of our nationality.  There is no seperate passport for Escocia, Pais de Gales or Inglaterra however.  We all travel under a British Passport.  Since Brasil doesn't recognise independent nations within the United Kingdom the best thing he could do is say he is "British".  I am only too aware about the grinding bureaucracy in Brasil (my wife is a Paulista) so this would save him a lot of time.  He should already know this anyway if he is Scottish.

    BTW - which part of Espirito Santo are you from?  It's a beautiful State (apart from Vítoria - which I didn't like when I visited it).



  4. Olá brasileiro, sou galês e infelizmente, não falo bem português mas faço uma tentativa....

    Grã Bretanha = inglaterra, país de gales e escócia.

    No passaporte é britânico. Não é um passaporte escocês.

    Reino Unido = Grã Bretanha + Irlanda do norte.

    Espero que você compreenda o meu português.

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