
I have a GCSE missing what do I do?

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I've just collected my GCSE results and been quite happy. HOWEVER, my english language mark and certificate is not there! I know what I have as I did it a year early. I've been told by teachers that they've all been handed out last year in november. I know that I've not just lost it because 1) I keep every certificate and 2)there's over half the people in my year who haven't got theirs either.

School isn't helping at all and my enrollment for college is next week. I'm not sure what I need to do. My gcse results are good and i've been told that if i tell the person who is enrolling me the grade I got they'll just believe me because of the standart of my other results. BUT I don't know if it works that way.

So, basically, what should I do?




  1. First of all, will you be able to get into the college you want without that result? If not then don't bother about it too much.

    If you do need it to get into college, then if you can, go to the school examination officer based in your school, as ask for a print out of ALL your GCSE results, including the ones you took early. They should have the certificates from the examination board, and keeping hold of them all until graduation evening, where you will be presented with certificates for ALL the subjects you took. They should be able to photocopy that certificate, then you can take that along with you to college when you enrol as proof of your results. If that doesn't work, then tell college to contact your school, and they will tell them the result you got from any exams you took early.

  2. The result hasn't been printed on my AQA results sheet either. Get your Head of Year (or another member of staff who have the relavent information) to get your result off their computer and write a note on SCHOOL paper (with the school's logo etc printed on it) saying that you have achieved a _ in English Language and tell them to exlplain that your grade hasn't been printed on your results form, and that any enquiries should be forwarded to that member of staff who has the grade on their computer.


  3. Maybe you could contact one of your school's governors and tell them that you're not the only one who has missed receiving their certificate and that the school aren't being very helpful?

    Putting things in writing is always helpful. I'm sure the college will understand when you explain what's happened. Hope so! Well done on being able to take your English exam early and congratulations on the latest results!

  4. read the back of the sheet it will tell u u will get it in oct

  5. I'm in the same boat, I did my maths last november and I've lost the result proof paper.

    We will get the certificates for the november and june ones this november.

    Maybe ring your school?

  6. Explain your situation at college enrolment and if they feel they need to see that grade, they will most likely contact your school in hopes of locating the missing certificate.

    By the way, well done! I got mine today too :)

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