
I have a German citizenship question! I have both a US and a German Passport. What else do I need to do?

by Guest58169  |  earlier

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About two years ago I went to the German consulate here in Houston and Obtained a German passport. I had to prove I was born to a German mother after 1975 which I did with her birth certificate. Then they issued me a German Passport which shows my nationality as Deutsch.

Now that I have the German passport, I assume all I need to do is move to a German city of my choice and then register as a citizen? Please help. I have no idea what other steps to take! I Want to move there this year and live and work there. Any help would be greatly apprecaited.





  1. Call the consulate and ask; they'll know.

  2. Don't you need a job?  Better start looking for that first.  On your resume you need to state you are a German national so that prospective employers will know it is legal for you to work there.  You are probably better off finding a job first, then go to live where the job is.

  3. you dont have to do anything else at this point, My wife who is german and our kid who was born in the US and holds 3 passports, (yes 3) goes to Germany and has nothing to worry about when he and she are there, just live your life .... you may need to deal with your tax id #s and stuff but its a simple process

  4. It is no biggie.

    If you were just going for a visit it is easier to just fly in and out on a US passport.

    You don't have to register as the passport is registration enough. Once in Germany you just show the employer your German passport.

    In your case when you fly in to move there you just show immigration both passports. I have done this many times. You will get the appropriate stamp on both of them. Then you are good to go.

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