
I have a IL teach. cert. and I am getting my IN teach. cert. Does anyone know how the job market is in el ed?

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I have a IL teach. cert. and I am getting my IN teach. cert. Does anyone know how the job market is in el ed?




  1. I keep an eye on the jobs in education, and I can tell you that this market is a bit tighter this year than it has been in the past.  If you're willing to relocate (and it sounds like you are), you'll automatically have many more opportunities.  Here's a site I use to keep track of what's happening in Illinois:  

    Not sure about Indiana, but I 'll bet you can google and find something similar.  There's still plenty of time to get hired... good luck.

  2. From what I understand, my friends who have their license here in Indiana are struggling to find jobs.  BUT...I really think it depends on where you are looking.  If you're not too picky in finding a job in Indiana, then I think you'll be alright.  Here's the Indiana Department of Education's website link where you can browse positions. Good Luck and if you're teaching in Indiana...welcome!

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