
I have a Jason explorer model 307 telescope and i'm looking for a manual can any body please help me find one?

by Guest67145  |  earlier

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When i look through it everything is backwards and i don't know why.




  1. I do not have a manual, but I may be able to explain what you are seeing. Astronomical telescopes normally provide an inverted image; i.e. the view that you see is upside-down. When looking at stars and planets, this does not really matter. If you want to use the scope for terrestrial viewing, you can purchase an additional erecting prism that is installed between the scope and the eyepiece that will provide upright images for you. Astronomers consider this as just an extra piece of glass in the way that tends to fuzz up the image a little more.

  2. Bushnell (the manufacturer) may be able to provide a manual. This model is a refractor. The image is inverted in this design. Generally, when looking at astronomical objects, it doesn't matter.  You may be able to add a diagonal (a mirror) in front of the eyepiece, which can flip the image. But any optics you add reduce the amount of light that reaches your eyes a little.  For daytime terrestrial viewing, this is never a problem.

    The link has a discussion on why your telescope works the way it does.

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