
I have a LOT of mushrooms pop up in my yard every summer. Does anyone know of a way to eliminate mushrooms?

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I have been told that there is possibly a stump that wasn't fully removed. Aside from digging up my lawn to find and remove the stump (if it's even there) is there something that will keep these mushrooms from coming up or spreading? Has anyone found a product in the store or concocted a product that will kill the mushrooms and the spread of tem without killing my lawn? Any help will be VERY MUCH appreciated as my wife and I HATE the site of these ugly things all over our pretty front yard. Thanks!




  1. Nope, I know of nothing.  Mushrooms are a sign of a fungus consuming organic matter. Yes, it could be an old stump or root, roots of a nearby tree which is declining, or a pile of old manure down under there or in some cases a fungus called Fairy Ring.  

    Just keep the lawn properly fertilized and irrigated as the nitrogen will help speed the fungus' work down below.  

    I'm not sure you could dig and find the offending matter as sometimes the food and fungus are several feet down.

  2. Unless they are in distinct circles don't worry about them.  They are a good fungus which indicate that soil conditions are optimal. Just mow them over.

  3. Mushrooms are fungus. If they are presenting themselves in a circular fashion, it is probably fairy ring.

    This fungus is anaerobic (Grows well in the absence of air). There are a few things you can do.

    First rent a core aerator and open up the soil (Or have a professional come in a aerate.) Once the soil is opened up apply a fungicide.

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