
I have a MCMVII twenty dollar coin?

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I have a MCMVII twenty dollar coin that I dug up in my parents backyard as a child. It says MCMVII on the front right hand lower side. It has a double eagle on the back. It has Twenty Dollars spelled out on the back, and DOES NOT say In GOD We Trust. What is the value, I am told that it is very rare and extremely valuable?

Thanks Guys




  1. It is almost certainly a twenty dollar gold piece, and it is now worth $900 for the gold content alone.  But as a collector's item, it could be worth much more; only a good numismatist can tell for sure, as even tiny scratches can detract markedly from its value.

  2. MCMVII is the Roman numeral equivalent of the year 1907. In that year 11,250 twenty dollar gold coins with the Roman numeral date were struck of the new design by Augustus Saint-Gaudens.

    Yes, they are quite rare. If yours is genuine, even in "dug up" condition it would command a premium price.

    I'd suggest you photograph the coin, front and back, using a digital camera (use the macro setting, no flash, with a light source off to the side.) Send the photos to a museum or two, and also to some of the major auction houses.

    I have a web site with gold coin photos with attribution to some of these resources (several auction companies) that you should check out. Here's the link:

  3. It must fetch as much as $ 20000

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