
I have a Mammoth Russian Sunflower. What do I do after I cut the head off to harvest the seeds?

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Will the flower grow another head? Where do I cut the head off at exactly to harvest the seeds? This is my first time growing this sunflower and really don't know what to do. Thanks.




  1. You don't need to cut the head off. take a paper bag and

    put the head in it and then tie it. As the seeds dry up they will fall into the bag. This is easier than cutting the head off. Also

    it stops birds from getting at the seeds before you do. Once you cut the head the plant dies. It is does not rebloom. when you do cut the head off just cut it at the base of the head.

  2. Tie a piece of cheesecloth or fine nylon or plastic mesh around the ripening seedhead when the back portion of the head begins to turn brown. This will prevent the birds from harvesting the seed before you do.

    See source for more details about sunflowers

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