
I have a Nikon D40 and every-time I take a picture instead of an image coming up, my screen just goes white?

by  |  earlier

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what did i do wrong, or what do i do to fix it?




  1. Are the pictures themselves entirely white? For example, after you take a shot, press the image review button. If the last shot is entirely white, you may be in the wrong setting. Turn the Scene dial on top of the camera to Auto and take a shot.

    If that is not the case, you can do a green-button reset and see if that fixes the problem. To do this soft-reset, press and the two buttons with a green dot (one is on the top of the camera, behind and to the left of the Shutter release button and the other is the bottom button on the left side of the LCD screen) with the camera off. While holding these buttons, turn the camera on. This may fix your problem.

    Best of luck!

  2. I agree with the other responders. It sounds like you are over exposing. Try taking a picture with the lens cap on. If you get a black screen, you know it's an exposure setting issue. You are probably in full manual mode and using a shutter speed that is far too slow...turn the dial on top to "M" for manual mode. set the camera for an aperature of F8 or F11 and a shutter speed of 1/125 and you should be able to get some kind of recognizable image out of an indoor room with available light...I know the manual is kind of crappy and hard to understand. I have purchased the Thom Hogan guide to every digital camera I've ever owned and they are excellent, plain language manuals! visit and look at his ebooks...  Good Luck!

  3. maybe you have it on trhe wrong setting. did you check to see if the setting is right.

  4. I'm not sure what happened.  What mode do you have it on?  Is it in manual?  Then it might be several stops overexposed.  Try it on program mode and see if it still does it.  If it does, then you might have set it to overexpose with one of your dials.  Look in the viewfinder and see if it has something that's pointing towards the plus side.

    Please read your manual.  It will have more helpful information, including troubleshooting tips and a phone number to call.

  5. It sounds like you are overexposing the picture. If you are using the camera on manual mode make sure you pay attention to your light meter. When you look through the viewfinder you should see it on the bottom or right hand side. It will have numbers 1 and 2 and some dashes. Make sure it is in the middle and you will be all set.

    If you are using one of the auto modes something may be wrong with your camera.

  6. i think your image is just over-exposed, but it on the auto mode, and if it doesn't get better, you'll have to send it in:

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