
I have a Nikon D60 and I dont know how to shoot continuoulsy...anyone know?

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I have a Nikon D60 and I dont know how to shoot continuoulsy...anyone know?




  1. In the menu, set the shooting sequence to continues.  

  2. 1. If you're facing the lens of the camera, look to the right of where the lens attaches to the body. You will see the settings C, S, and M. You want to move the setting to C.

    2. then on your release mode dial which you use to change to shoot with timer,(found on the top right if you're still facing the lens) set that to CH or CL. You may have that setting right now at S (single servo or one click at a time). Change that to continous high(CH) or continous low(CL).

    3. Set your your mode to P so that the camera is now automatic versus manual, shutter priority, or aperture priority.

    4. Aim and shoot while holding down on shutter release button. depending on the speed which is probably 3fps you should hear three clicks per second.

    hope this helps. I actually do not have a D60 but most all of Nikons cameras are pretty similar. I own a D300 and absolutly love Nikon's DSLR's

  3. Hold the button down

  4. The D60 does not have the same continous shooting switch (CL) like the D200 and D300.  Nor, does it have the M/S/C focus lever, because the body doesn't contain an autofocus motor.

    Here's what you do.

    Go to the Custom Menu

    Chose #2, Focus Mode

    -Choose AF-C (continous focus), best for action

    Chose #4, Release Mode

    -Select Continuous for up to 3 fps in jpg or 9 fps in RAW.

    Hope this helps.

  5. On canon there is a running man symbol. See if you have something similar. Good luck to you.  

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