
I have a Ouija board question?

by Guest60715  |  earlier

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Yesterday me and my friends were playing the ouija board and most the time it was right and some of the time it was wrong. Does that game really work? Who is really moving it the ghost? How did they make this game anyway?




  1. Use common sense when playing with something like a ouija board.  The people using them make them work, but that does not mean that they can't be scary.  The more you believe and the more susceptible you are, the better they will probably work, but also the more scary they can be.  I would not ever use one because I do not like their intent and what they are supposed to be and do.

  2. I played one in high school and it told me about a great grandfather who was a fire man, I told my mom and she freaked out.  He had died before she was even born!

  3. I played with one once then saw orbs in the photos

    and i read that they are from h*e*l*l

  4. Ok so i am now going to give you the truth and if you wan to carry on believing that ghosts are moving the glass, then stop reading.

    This was explained by Derren Brown, and by scientific experiments, and the real answer is that one person is moving the glass. Now hold on just a second i hear you cry, why would they move the glass?

    Well if someone wants to believe something and expects something to happen, then they will move the glass subconciesly. Bare with me here ok. The person will be so expectant that the glass will move, they will push it and not realise that it is them doing it. This is fact and sometimes people can move parts of their body so much without realising, they can move glasses and believe it is spirits.

    Phew...i need some toast or something...

  5. Ouija boards are purported to be controlled by "spirits", which make some think of Satanism.

    I've played it, nothing happened. All movement was caused by the players, regardless of what they might say.


  6. Ouija is NOT a game.Yes it is moved by spirit, and if you are not careful you attract the wrong sort of spirit. When you learn about Spiritualism you learn to use protection against unwanted spirits.If you are going to use Ouija as a tool you should be fully aware of how that tool works.

  7. It's all mind over matter. If you believe in it then of course something is bound to happen. It's your mind playing tricks on you.

  8. You can get a bad spirit that pretends to be someone else.I had a bad experience with one and will never touch one again.I'm not going to go into detail about it , but I did break the board in half and never played one again.The best thing you can do is just stop playing around with it.

  9. I think it's just for fun, and that the concerted, subconscious efforts of the group of players moves it around. It will of course be right some, and wrong some. Some people think it's real, though. Currently made by Parker Brothers, the first mention historically of something like a Ouija board was in China in 1200 BC. During the 1800s the boards were used by the Modern Spiritualist Movement in the USA, and a guy named Elijah bond, and his partner, Charles Kennard, decided to pattent them and sell them. They supposedly invented the Ouija board in May of 1890. In 1901 an employee of their company, Mr. Fuld, started producing "talking boards" of his own under the name Ouija Board, and claimed he'd invented it. Others started making them, and he sued them until  his death in 1927. In 1966 his estate sold the rights to Parker Bros, and there you are.

  10. that c**p is fake. one person moves it always. just a bunch of garbage.

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