
I have a Period problem!!???

by  |  earlier

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My period is has always been on time, heavy, and horrible cramps. I got my period on time this month (today) and had all the pmsing. BUT its not red and alot like normal. Its brown and medium flow. I know thats something that happens when u might be pregnant right? But is there anything else tho??? please help me because im freaked out!




  1. First off... have you had unprotected s*x recently?

    If the answer is no then don't worry your fine.

    If you ARE having your period your obviously not pregnant.

    YOUR FINE =]  !!!

  2. calm down! you do not need to start panicking.

    brown discharge can be normal at the beginning of a period - see what happens over the next few days. it will probably turn red.

    yes, it is a symptom of pregnancy. others include: sickness, stomach cramps, needing to wee a lot....

    YOU CAN BE PREGNANT AND STILL HAVE PERIODS. but that does NOT mean you need to start worrying. have you had unprotected s*x in the last month?

    seriously, dont worry. it will most probably turn red. even if it doesnt, wait and see what happens next month. if it carries on over the next few months, see a doc.

    good luck!


  3. dontt worryy! if you really need extra comforting tell your mom!

  4. well sweetie go to the doctors to see what is the problem  ok , i just hope that your not pregnant or anything  like that . if you have a very bad cramps i will tell u how to get rid of them they are :

    1) get some excerise like sit ups , jogging , or go to the fitness center to help to get cramps away .

    2) drink alot of water everyday while you have your period

    3) get plenty of rest

    4) think postive of your cramps

    5) get healthier food like fruits , gronala bar , salad , and stuff , and dont eat fast food for your cramps cause it does your cramps would get worsr

    maybe you still have irregular period , it happens to everygirl . i hope u feel better soon as you could cause i've been there as you do i always have bad cramps when i get my period u know it's normal just try to get some rest and try to get rid of the brown stuff ok . it's normal i have that once it means that you are starting to have your period

    good luck sweetie

    BABY GIRL :)  

  5. calm down. if you just started you're period is always going to be irregular. The brown blood has just been built up, so its had time to dry up.  But if you have had s*x, you should go take a pregnancy test.

  6. wel the question is were you sexually active any time?

    brown blood is normal because its just dry,its not always

    going to be bright bright red.

    so if you were sexuallly active latley and didnt use protection,

    either check or go to a doctor.

    but if you would be in any case pregnant your period

    woudlnt come.

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