
I have a Q about my Chicken, Can you help?

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I have a Chicken, a hen who is 1.5 years old. She is a sweety and I decided to keep one of the chciks she had since I was getting rid of all the other chcikens because htey picked on her. Anyway, I have a chick that I hatched in my incuabtor and I waited a couple weeks until it was a month old and put it out with Jewel, the 1.5 year old hen. It is now 2.5 months old.

1.) What age can you tell if its male or female? It makes weird noises when it eats...

2.) If it turns out to be a rooster and they mate and she hatches chicks, whill the chciks be deformed since the dad would be her own chick? Or will they be fine?

The chciks name is Moon. It is grey. It is Araucana and Australorp mix. It has a dark grey head and light grey body. It has black feet and beak. It makes weird noises, a call or something when it eats with my hen. Its bigger than my hen already.

Do you think its a hen or rooster? WHY?

Thank you for your answers




  1. i dont know about sexing chickens yet but i do no with ducks its the noise they make and later on their tail for the breeding with (relatives) problem.birds are an exception.

  2. You can usually start to tell once they start getting their adult feathers by checking the wattles.  Roosters have more pronounced comb and wattle development than hens - just compare the growth of yours to your hen.

    The size of the chick doesn't really indicate anything since it is a cross.

    And yeah - you should avoid breeding the two together.

    The chicks won't be deformed, but they'll be genetically weak.

  3. You can determine the s*x when  they are a day old if you know what you're doing. (Idon't). When they are a few months old the roosters's comb and waddle are bigger. Our chicks are 10 weeks old and it looks like 3 might be roosters.

    I don't know about in-breeding with chickens.

  4. that sounds like a very pretty chicken. auracauna and australorp mix. i have a few of those too.

    the chick is at the right age to determine if its a hen or a rooster.

    feel the bones between the legs, near the vent.

    if there is a wide space between them, big enough to pass an egg through, it is a hen, if the space between the bones is only wide enough for about one finger, it is a rooster, because there is not enough room to pass an egg through.

    and no, if its a rooster, and mates with its mother, the chicks will not be deformed. they will be fine. my chickens do it all the time, and all the chicks are normal.

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