
I have a Raggedy Ann doll and its only marking is Fairfield on the leg can anyone help me determine its origin

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she looks old but I now that doesn't always mean she's old she has a dress made from a quilt, a painted face, what looks to be an old home made hair bow, white and black stripe legs. One site said that Fairfield is the home of raggedy ann but I'm not sure if that is true. Help!!




  1. Raggety Ann and Andy have been made since 1918 by Volland as an entertainment for a very sick child, the earliest made are very valuable 2 to 3,000 each. then the were also made by Mollye's, Expsoition, Georgene, Knickerbocker, Applause, Hasbro, Alexander and Playskool . I have never heard of a Fairfield  Fairfield (Greenleaf) makes doll houses I know that, but maybe in the last 20 years. Maybe someone has started a more natural approach to making the dolls like Magic Cabin. good luck.

  2. well you could take it to an old antique shop if you have one in your area and see if they could tell you . or you could try to google old Raggedy Ann doll  and see where it takes you.

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