I have had a problem with social anxiety since the 10th grade and now I am in the 11th grade. I felt like my anxiety was getting worse. I am on medication but the doctor said it takes a month to kick in and I felt that since my anxiety was bad I didn't have a month to wait. Because I just cant stand being this way.
I have told my parents about it and they listen sometimes and that will be the last time they hear about it. I am not that open to my parents and I felt like I had no to talk too. So I went to my school guidance counselor. I told her about everything and then today I was nervous and I was dry heaving and so when it stopped I went to see her and told her about it. I really didn't want to go to class and she was telling me how she wanted to contact my mom next week and ask her if she could come down and just talk to her about me and it.
So I got home and told my mom about it and she got mad. She said it was none of the guidance counselors d**** business! Now my mom is nice and very sweet but she just got mad. I asked her if she was mad at me for talking to my guidance counselor and she said no, but I still think she is. Now I feel really bad because I didn't talk to my parents first. But I couldn't help it, I just didnt feel comfortable telling my parents how bad it was really getting.
So I am wondering if talking to the school guidance counselor was a wrong thing to do? I mean anyways most of the painful anxiety I get mostly happens when I am at school. It just got to where I couldnt handle it and I couldnt sit in class and be normal. I couldnt wait a month for my medicine to kick in.
So my mom is going to try and talk to her next week. But I told her that she should just talk to her. But I feel my mom is mad at me.
But I also feel that I let myself down because I went to the counselor instead of my parents. What do I do? Is what I did wrong?