
I have a TV (3 mo old) that broke, I called the company and I got yelled at twice and hung up on,suggestions?

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I bought a Toshiba Television 3 months ago and the picture and sound just cut out. When I called they said that it will take at least a month to fix which I found unacceptable for a new tv that cost $900. When I asked for another solution they said there was none and I said that I would keep calling them until I got the solution that I wanted. He then said that was a threat and the we were at an impass and hung up. Any suggestions on how to proceed?




  1. keep calling, that's not a threat, thats 900 dollars they stole from you.

  2. take it to the store you bought it from and have them give you a new tv. if they say no call better business bureau ask them what you can do.Personally I would take it to the store and demand a new one.

    I had problems with a pc I bought from wal-mart online,it went on for a long time just getting run around, I contacted Wal-mart headquarters via e-mail,it only took couple days for them to tell me to go to my local store and pick up a new pc, I printed the letter they sent me and took it with me to the store and they had no choice but replace it free and had to give me back $10.40 in change,it sure chapped the lady who had sent me on my way several times,she was very rude each time,Wal-Mart Headquarters sure will put them in their place when necessary.   GOOD LUCK!!! don't give up.

  3. If I were in your position I would contact the manufacturer.  Calmly explain your problem and what you were told and how you were treated by the dealer. (don't exaggerate, be factual)  Have your sales receipt at hand(to verify purchase date for warranty purposes) along with the model and serial number of the set.   Approach them as a dedicated Toshiba customer who would like their help. (It has a great picture,you really like the set and want it to run OK etc. , just don't lay it on too thick) Under those conditions most manufacturers will usually co-operate with you.  They may suggest another Toshiba repair station that will service your set.   If it cannot be repaired within a reasonable time period,  ask if the set can be replaced.  There is an outside chance they will authorize your dealer to replace the set at no cost to you. (but don't count on this)  Good luck.

  4. Spread the word about toshiba's crappy service.

    Celebrate when their stock prices dip down.

    Google something like "I hate Toshiba"

    Curse them with creative things like

    "May you find there are forever no parking spaces available between where you get on the road and the destinations you drive." and things like that.

    Say very bad things about them in public.

    Encourage people to steal their future customers.

    It's called the market system, and if the market system does not work well anymore then what does?

    I'm astonished how many companies these days in America are not troubled about having unhappy customers.

    An unhappy customer is like being barked at by a three-legged dog.

    Something's very wrong in the state of Denmark


    as prince Hamlet once said.

  5. That hardly sounds like a threat, more of a fact, but I would (like previously mentioned) call and ask to speak with a manager.  And if they don't help, ask to speak with their manager... if that doesn't work, most stores(not all) that sell electronics or large appliances have a 90 day+ return or exchange policy, especially if you still have the receipt. If possible, take the TV back to the store for a refund (I wouldn't continue to purchase from this store if at all possible) and if not, at the very least they owe you an exchange for a television of equal value.  You should be able to look up the store's return policy online without even calling.

  6. speak to the manager

  7. I don't see what the problem is.  They gave you a reasonable time frame to fix the Tv and at no cost to you and you threaten them.  I would hang up on you also.

    Think of it this way.  It takes time to transport the TV to the repair facility (usually 3-5 busines days)  Then the tech who has gotten the TV's has to help diagnose like 100 other items before he gets to yours (which takes time) a few days lets say.

    Now he finds the cause, he then has to order the part from another department which can take a few days cause they are backed up also.

    Now he gets the part, but he still has to repair the 100 other items that he has been waiting days for parts for.  All this take time.

    Now the repair guy gets it fixed, it then has to go through testing to ensure it doesnt have other problems and the new part doesnt break either.  You are now at about 2-3 weeks now.  Then the time it takes to ship the TV back.

    The 30 days is just an estimate, you may get the TV back in 10 days who knows.  I took my TV to a repair place years ago and didn't have my TV for five weeks and that was a local repair place.

    Threatening to call them to tell them you won't stop till you get the answer you like is like talking to a hundred doctors who all tell you, you have cancer, so you keep seeing doctors till you find one who says, "Nah, you don't have cancer."  yeah you got the answer you wanted but the end result may not be what you wanted.

    They are offering to repair your TV for free at no cost under warranty and it will take a month, your other option is to take it to your own reapir place where it will take between 2-5 weeks but costs you money.  What do you think the smarter solution is.

    It's not the fact that the TV is new or 20 years old, that is not the main basis of the argument, you want it fixed now or a "loaner" and Toshiba will not do that and by law they don't have to.  It is stated in the warranty that they will fix it at no cost, but the downside is it does take time.

    I normally would say contact the BBB or your states Attorney Generals office, but I guarantee that you would lose in this case, because Toshiba did agree to fix the item free of charge and within a reasonable time, they are not obligated to do more.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but since this a typical warranty repair time and the fact you didn't get the extra warranty from the store you bought it from, your kinda stuck.

  8. Just to take this in a different direction, are you 100% sure the tv is broke?  Its very rare for electronics to work out of the box, but then fail so quickly.

    Is it possible you've had a cable or something along those lines come loose?

    Do you have more than one device hooked to the tv?  Do you get picture or sound out of any of the devices?

    Do you see the on screen menus or setup screens on the tv?

    Another thing to consider, did you have any kind of electrical storm when it went out?  Generally that wouldn't be covered by warranty, unless you purchased some kind of extended protection plan.

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