
I have a UTI, what can I do to help with the pain? ?

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I have no health insurance and in alot of pain what do I do?




  1. Just like everyone else said

    LOTS of water and cranberry juice.

  2. UTI hurt? Go to a walk in clinic. They are pretty cheap. Seriously only a doctor can treat a UTI. Good luck! Maybe you can borrow the money from someone.....

  3. Go to your local pharmacy or even supermarket and get AZO, or some other UTI pain reliefe medicine.  Cranberry juice isn't very effective as it usually contains less than 10% actual cranberries.

  4. go to wal mart and but some medicine called azo it will help relieve the pain. it does turn your urine orange though.

  5. you can now buy the medcine over the counter, they sell it at CVS and other pharmacies. It's the same stuff the gynocologists prescribe for the pain, the stuff that turns your pee dark orange. It will help you instantly. it doesn't take away the infection (you have to have a dr. prescribe something fr that) but it cures the pain. They're little pills and the box or bottle will say that it helps with UTIs...I don't remember the name of the medicine. If the UTI doesn't clear up, go to a local sliding scale clinic or hospital and have them bill you.  you can make payments after that. Good luck!

  6. Cranberry Juice, Water (lots of both), hot and cold compresses (ice packs and heating packs). There an amazing prescription your doc. will provide you if you go get it, it's amazing it takes the entire infection away in 3 days, you feel a difference the first time you take the pill as well. I think it's called Biaxin but don't take my word for it. Good luck :)

  7. .walmart sell over the counter pill for uti and it coast about 7 dollars i used it last month and it worked fine no pain after a couple of days hope this helps  

  8. Go buy AZO from the store or drink some cranberry juice

  9. Cranberry juice undiluted and uristat. Uristat can be bought at any drugstore over the counter and it eases the pain big time. It does make your urine yellow/orange but it helps a lot. Good luck. I just went through a UTI and thankfully got it cleared through antibiotics.  

  10. Drink cranberry juice, the non-cocktail. Consume a lot of fluids, pee a lot.  

  11. Drink a lot of water and cranberry juice.  They also have some over the counter medications

  12. you could drink some beer

  13. Umm. You dont need to seek a doctor for medication. You can actually purchase UTI medication over the counter at drug stores. They are little orange pills that make your urine turn orange as well... They wont exactly take the pain away but they will minimize it. Try drinking cranberry juice to cleanse your system.  

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