
I have a Urine screen for probation today Does anyone know how to pass one without taking any detox pills?

by  |  earlier

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I know there are many ways to Pass a drug test, and using detox is one of them but I don't have any and i have a urine screen today. I also know that there are many of ways to pass without using detox, just by doing things around the house. If someone could PLEASE help me I deff. don't want to get locked up I need your guys help!!!




  1. Obviously the guy is trying to cover up some type of illegal drug usage, he didnt ask for the lectures.  Either give him valuable insight, or dont.  Please dont ramble on about his not going back to jail for failing his urinalysis.... lol.

    and NO i do not know a way.  I just refrained from getting high when i was on probation.

  2. There is nothing you can eat or drink that can make your urine miraculously clean if you've been doing drugs. Stuff that used to work no longer works because the testing methods have changed.

    And there is nothing you can do to the specimen after you pee that can't be detected.

    Bleach drops? Nope!

    Your buddy's pee in a condom stuffed up your butt? Nope!

    If the urine is not fresh enough and concentrated enough to give results, they will ask you to give a new specimen until it's a testable specimen.

  3. Don't do what you shouldn't be doing!  Have some self respect.  Honesty is always the best policy.  Admit you've slipped up rather than try to hide it - you never know, you might just get some leeway this time.

  4. Yeah, dont do illegal stuff if you are on probation.

  5. sounds bizarre......but....water purification tablets mixed with water - drink only that starting in the morning and keep drinking till you go for your'll need to take a vitamin as well to keep your urine with color.

    Worked for me - I swear by it

  6. You obviously did something to get put on probation.  In order to pass the test without more drugs -- don't consume anything you are not suppose to consume or drink.  This is a sure way to not get locked up.

  7. drink lots of water (massive amounts) until your p**s is clear and you have to pee every 10-20 minutes. the build-up of water pressure on your bladder will get so heavy that you will just p**s back out water. do this and drink about half a cup to a full cup of vineagar. it will taste bad but it works. ive been p**s tested for 4 1/2 years and consistanly p**s tested for the past 2 because of probation also.

    good luck, i hope you have enough time

  8. The way you pass a urine test is to not have drugs in your system.

    At the risk of sounding preachy:  you're already being watched closely because you've broken the law.  You'd do well to be squeakier clean than the next guy.  That way, there's not even any question about passing a drug test.

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