
I have a WWII question?

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Why did the Axis powers lose? Like what were some of the contributing factors. Don't like say "They were all losers" But like what significant battles did they lose. And were some contributing factors because they didn't have enough resources, etc. Thanks!




  1. At the Battle of Dunkirk the Germans failed to send their army in to finish of the allied retreat. Instead they tried to win the battle with airpower alone. This blunder allowed 10s of thousands of allied forces to retreat to England safely and be used in future allied offensives.

    In the Battle of Britain, the Germans switched tactics mid battle and started bombing English cities instead of concentrating on airfields. If the Germans managed to finish off the Allied airforce, they would have been able to invade England.

    On the eastern front, Germany wasted forces pursuing the Soviets across Russia only to be stopped at Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad. This stretched their resources too thin.

    During D-Day, no one woke up Hitler to tell him of the invasion. Precious hours were lost waiting for the German response.

    As for Japan, the loss at the Battle of Midway sealed their fate. The Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers that day taking away their ability to mount an offensive. They were on defense the rest of the war. With luck, skill and tenacity the Americans were able to win.

    The death of Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto in 1943 took away Japans best commander.

    These were some of the major factors to the defeat.

  2. The issue of the two front war is extremely important.  Up until the USA won a two front war with Germany and Japan, no nation had ever won a two major front war.  But the USA had the advantage of having Russia attacking Germany on its eastern front.  Germany made a serious mistake in attacking Poland and Russia.  Japan made a serious mistake of bombing Pearl Harbor.

  3. The Germans tried to fight a two front war.  They had the western front in France and the eastern front in Russia.  The Russian winter was a huge contributing factor.  Hitler made some very poor strategic decisions in his later years but they weren't challenged.

  4. The Germans were unable to fight two wars at once:  a war in France against US, British, Canadian and other Allies, and another war against the Soviet Union.  

    In the Pacific, the aim of the Japanese high command was to knock the US out of the war for a year or so, at which time they thought the US would lose it's stomach for war and give the Japanese what they wanted:  control of the Western Pacific.  Yamamoto, the designer of the war plan warned his superiors that they might "waken a sleeping giant" by attacking the US, but they didn't listen.  

    When the war in the Pacific started, the Japanese had 16 aircraft carriers of various size and class, while the US had four.  At the end of the war, the Japanese had 4 carriers bottled up in harbor, and the US had 200!  The industrial might of the US could not be believed by the Imperial high command, despite the warnings of the former Naval Envoy to the US, Admiral Yamamoto.

  5. After the Allies landed in Normandy, Germany couldn't keep up with supply and demand anymore. Due to air raids, Germany's industry and morale began to crumble. This was going on in the eastern front too with the advancing Russian army. I hope this all helps.

  6. No one's listed impt. battles for u yet?

    The most significant, DECISIVE  battles were Stalingrad (Russia), Midway and Pearl Harbor(pacific ocean), El Alamein (Egypt), the Battle of Britain.  2nd rank battles - not deciding points, but big battles fought after it was pretty certain how the war would turn out - were D-day, and the Battle of the Bulge.

    Battles important not for their impact on the outcome of the war, but for the heavy casualties involved, were Dieppe (Canadian army), Dunkirk (for British army), and Iwo Jima

    (am and Japan).

  7. Well there hugest mistake is attacking Poland and Russia when they were heading for Poland they were fighting in the forests and on the street meeting some heavy resistance.Then when they got through to Russia they lost 2 major battles Stalingrad and Lenino and when they were retreating they had a formed Polish  army and russian army chasing then aswell as Polish resistance waiting for them.Then they got pushed all the way back too Berlin  and had a very small force they even used kids and lost the battle of berlin.

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