
I have a baby bearded dragon yet i would like a corn snake. Any tips on convincing parents to let me get one?

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I have a baby bearded dragon yet i would like a corn snake. Any tips on convincing parents to let me get one?




  1. dont bug them.

    i ahve 2 corn snakes, if i was you id print out as much info as poss, make like a handbook, explain that you know all there is 2 know about how 2 care for them,

    they are pretty simple to look after if you have done your research....

    also say that any exspense will be paid for by yourself or if thats not possible you will do any jobs 2 cover it ( ie washing cars, housework etc)

    ask you parent s to sit down and have a disscussion and 2 hear you out. then if they refuse show ur maturity by accepting in and broach the subject in a few months.

    btw i dont know how old u r so im sory if this sounds a little patronising lol xxxx

  2. forget the cornsnake, get a 15ft anaconda and when they tell you to get rid of it tell them to do it themselves, hey presto, your the new owner of cool snake, as an added bonus, if they try to punish you for this you can feed them and any annoying little sisters to it!

  3. I own an adult bearded dragon and an adult corn snake. How I convinced my parents to let me get one was that I didn't bug them too much (they just get annoyed with you), save up all the money for all the equipment to show them you are really serious and willing to spend a few hundred dollars, do all your chores without complaining, research them, spend lots of time with your other pets, and tell your parents that corn snakes are one of the most easiest to care for, cleanest, cheapest (in the long run), friendliest, hardiest, and best pet snake, maybe even reptile, out there. Go to a petstore and ask the owner if you can hold one, and let your parents touch it too. Hope this helped, and good luck!!!

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