
I have a baby on the way and I need advice on the best monitor to get..?

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My wife and I are expecting in December and we have a small house as it is, but I want something good and reliable, not cheap. I'm leaning toward a video and sound monitor. Does anyone have any experiences with any or preferences? Thanks a lot!




  1. we first tried a video monitor but the sound quality was TERRIBLE!  

    so we got this one, i ordered it from phillips website:

    it is digital so it is crystal clear (it picks up the lightest sound the baby makes) and tells the temperature in the room (so when we are out in the living room and he is in our room asleep we can see if the temp is okay, we actually have found it very useful)

    it is pricey but a great monitor!

  2. I am going to get the Angelcare Movement Sensor Monitor. (It detects if your baby stops breathing, a alarm goes off) So I am getting it for the peice of mind. I have read many reviews on it, and it gets awesome reviews. And it helps ease your worries about SIDS.

    When is your baby's due date?

  3. I don't have a video monitor, but i do have a one with a sensor pad that goes under the mattress on bubs cot. It has an alarm that sounds if no movement is detected after 30sec or so. Very reassuring especially when my daughter refused to sleep on her back and was determined to sleep on her tummy. Mine is made by Angelcare

  4. I have the Angelcare Movement Sensor with Monitor.  I love it!

  5. We had a movement detection monitor so we could hear the tick of his breathing. It was a great help for us to hear the baby "ticking" and know that he was safe and still breathing.

    We had the Maws Reassurance monitor. Here's one on ebay to see what you get.

  6. i love love my bebe sounds angle care monitor. it has a pad that goes under the crib mattress and if baby stops moving, like no movement no breathing, an alarm goes off. it gave me peace of mind when she started rolling over and sleeping on her tummy

    edit: haha as soon as i posted i saw gissell's answer.  i guess thats 2 votes!

  7. I had a video and sound monitor and i loved it!! But, it broke after the first year. It was a safety 1st.. I would get one(the monitoring system) but not that brand!! It was great to beable to see my son.. And to buy the screen (that is what went out) I could have bought a whole new system for like 50.00 more.. But for the time i had it, i love it and will get another if i ever have another child. congrats and good luck

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