
I have a baby rabbit (born 2 June)...?

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I was told that babies should not eat too much green as they can get too much water in the stomaches which can cause them to die or something?? Is this true? and does it include grass? i would love my rabbit to run around in his run but am scared if he eats too much grass he could die. I know wild rabbits eat grass all day long though....

Please help!!




  1. yeah, what adoratail said. You shouldn't feed them any fresh greens until they are about 6 months old.

  2. Is that baby rabbit still with its mom? If not, it was weaned way to early. You shouldn't wean a bunny till it's 4-8 weeks old, depending on breed and size. Yes too much water is bad for them, it gives them diaherrea (sp) and they die. Any poo problems, show your rabbit is in trouble, a rabbit with diaherrea can die within 24 hours. I hope I've helped!

  3. It is true that young rabbits should not eat too much greens at a young age, especially feeds that contain a lot of water as it can lead to diorrhoea which can be fatal due flystrike. This is down to the digestive system not being mature enough. Try to encourage him to eat as much hay (alfalfa if possible) as it provides essential roughage, and to also provide the formulated rabbit mix. (I always use Burgess Supa Rabbit Excel to avoid selective feeding)

    I recommend letting your bunny run around in the run for about an hour and a half a day, and increase the time as he matures.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Whoever said that was obviously lying.  If you do give him like gallon after gallon of water and grass, he's gonna fill up and die...

  5. a couple of fruit and vegetable a week including grass will be fine whoever told you that didn't know what they were talking about. If you but your rabbit in its run it will eat some grass but not too much. Also make sure you give your rabbit plenty of hay though so that it doesn't eat too much grass and vegetables. Hope this helped and good luck!!!

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