
I have a bad kitten, what should i do to stop him!?!?

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Well, my grandma lives with me and we got her a kitten for her birthday. This kitten is getting nasty! He would look at me with this horrable "I'm about to bite your face off!" look....=\. then he would shake his butt and jump at my knee, hand or face and bite like a lion!I never did annything to this cat and he does this! my grandma says its a kitten stage and you just "lightly tap him on the butt or yell "NO!" at him" but that does not work. Please help!




  1. get a spray bottle of water and spay him.. he'll get the picture to you just have to say waterbottle and they will stop

  2. That is what kittens do.  Enjoy this stage in his life, they are so silly and do such crazy things.  Watch for the look ... and get out of the way.

  3. Your grandma is right.  All kittens go through what I refer to as the "crazy stage."  They act like they are trying to eat you.  What you're doing wrong is taking it personally, and developing a fear of a baby cat.  Really, it's playing.  You just have to keep that in mind.  Keep a squirt gun or bottle with you if it's getting to you that bad.  Just squirt the cat (ONCE) when it's getting ready to pounce on you (and ONLY when it's getting ready to pounce on you).  Eventually the kitten will outgrow it.

  4. well don't stop him. he is a little playful kitten. when he gets old and grumpy you'll wish for the playful kitty you once had=]

    good luck!

  5. He'll get better when he grows up but he'll probably wont turn into a super cuddly cat.

  6. try spraying water on it. and if that doesn't work try flicking him on the nose.

  7. Disciplining a young kitten may be necessary, but harsh punishment should be avoided. Hand clapping, and using shaker cans or horns can be intimidating enough to inhibit undesirable behavior. Spray bottles are often effective as well.

  8. You don't have a bad kitten -- you just have a playful kitten who is behaving just like a kitten should.  Kittens like to "play fight" and "play attack" -- that kind of play is actually necessary because that's how it learns survival skills.  I know it can be frustrating, though, when the kitten is using YOU as its prey.  Something you can do -- when you see that look in his eyes, like he's about to attack you, grab a toy to divert his attention from you, so that he'll attack the toy instead of you.  Whenever my cat gets that same look in her eyes, I know what she's about to do, so to protect myself, I always have one of her toys within reach so that she'll focus on the toy instead of me.  It seems to work most of the time.

  9. This is really normal for some cats. You just have a high energy cat. I have the solution for you too - GET ANOTHER KITTEN. He needs someone to play rough with - and if you have another young kitten they can play together. If he has no other animal companions he will try to "play" with you. Really the best thing you could do right now would to be go to the animal shelter and get another kitten companion and I PROMISE your problem would be solved.

    EDIT_haha thanks. I am totally serious though. Any agression problems your cat has would be aimed at the other cat.

  10. i know this may sound mean but someone told me to do this, u get a bottle that sprays and wash it thoroughly, fill it up with water and when they are being naughty spray them

  11. okay its normal for a kitten to go this my kitten does this all the time

  12. you don't have a bad kitten, from what you've said the little cat is behaving 100% normally (and adorably)

  13. You say " no kitty, bad kitty, this my pot pie!

  14. your grandma is right, cats are the most playful when they are kittens depending on that cat she may calm down after you have her fixed and she may not until shes over a year or so

    or she may not ever

    I'm sure she will eventually give it time, she isn't trying to hurt you she's just trying to play with you

  15. thats a kitten for you...they are crazy, and cute, get it some toys, maybe a little cat tree to scratch up. make sure he has something to scratch on so he doesnt use your furniture..i dont believe in de clawing them, and usually they are fine if they have a scratch post. it will be like that probably until its old enough to get fixed, then it will calm down and maybe fatten up a bit. good luck

  16. Your kitten is bored and wants to play.  You could get another kitten as a companion for your kitten so that your kitten will have someone to pounce on that isn't your leg.

    Kittens really need lots of play everyday.  You should also get some interactive toys like a cat charmer and a laser pointer to entertain your little furry friend.

  17. Thats Not a bad kitten... he's playing with you !


    IT IS playing!  Its a KITTEN, kittens play, just like human babies cry all the time.

    There is nothing you can do about that.  Cats scratch sometimes, when I play with my cat he sometimes plays to hard and marks me, but its a cat, they have nails, I trim them every now and then.  Get yourself one of those cat playing gloves, they have things that dangle on them, and they protect your hands so you can play with them.

    (Rolling eyes at "I'm a girl I don't liek scars" stop being a baby, and WAY over dramatic!)

  18. I think your kitten will eventually get use to your presence and become more tollerable.

    My cat at first was very shy and wasn't use to our presence. After a while of getting use to us, he finally mellowed out and became more attached to us. What i'm saying is give your cat sometime to settle down and become use to the family environment. Your grandmother is correct, the cat is going through it's "kitten" stage and they're usually more roudy then.

    If nothing works, show the cats who's the boss of the house ; )

  19. ur gonna have to keep on doing what ur doing. get it cat toys or something.

  20. This is normal kitten behavior.  Kittens dont understand or listen to scolding very often, and the best solution is distract them well.    A number of different and diverse toys is good, and they like climbing things like towers.   One of the best distractions is another kitten.   Cats are good to get in twos.

  21. hhahaah awwww what a cutie it would be best friends with mine! my catch used to be such a biznatch and, me being the cat lover i am, spoiled her crazy and got her a brush and brushed her and pet her a lot and am very gentle with her. if your cat is being mean then dont play with him. i think the best time to play with a cat is when they are laying down adn look like they are about to go to sleep because they arent usually crazy then or when they wake up. dont try to pet your cat or play with him when he is asleep because cats despise you when you do. it also may have been a result of a bad kittenhood because cats lives are based on how well they were treated as a kitty

  22. It just wants to play. Do u play with it? Use a water bottle and spray it when it bite, but doing something like take a long string and run around for it to chanse...get those lil play mise for cats...or the lil balls with the bells in them...unless it's like my cat it should be fascinated with noise...My cat gets all weirded out with noise...but he's odd.

  23. When he acts badly hold him down so he cannot move for 30 seconds or so. Hold him down flat on his side so that you can hold his legs and his head down Be careful not to hurt him, just make it so he has to submit to you. This will teach him that you, the human, are in charge in the relationship.

  24. um smack it in the head when it does something wrong..HARD!! that ul teach the ******. then he will be a nice kitty

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