
I have a bad relationship with food?

by  |  earlier

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I hate eatting and i dont want to .. because i want to be skinny and i am sick of being this normal size but with a jiggly belly.. i try not to eat as long as i can but i usually cave in .. and sometimes eat sooo much until i cant move.. i feel so guilty and wish i could puke it all up after .. but i really want to just not worry about food and eat it naturally.. i dont know what to do :S

i also tell myself i will go jogging everyday but only do it once and a while ..




  1. Whether it's food or anything else, you must first understand the cause.  And the effect of the cause.  And how to break the chain.  There is something which works with everything.  

    I don't like the way they have redesigned the site, but at you will find free education and more importantly, a way to break the chain.

    Your problem now is that you struggle, using Will.  A better approach would be to JUST WATCH IT.  Just observe, objectively.  What does that accomplish?  You are taking your will (which struggles) out of the picture.  this breaks the chain.

    Lots of reading there but if you want to cut to the chase, top left corner of site says "Be Still And Know".  It is a free download and contains a mental exercise you can do which will do the trick.

    Oh, it's free.

  2. Tes what you do is very unhealthy: you have to eat at proper time, and at those times only (3 times a day). You can eat with pleasure at those times, without feeling guilty. But you musn't abuse.

    Well that's the basics, just dont obnibulate yourself with food...

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