
I have a bad slice/

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i have a bad slice/fade on my drive how can i fix it?




  1. Here's a great little drill you can use to cure your push/slice/fade:

    Go to the driving range and buy a small bucket of balls.

    Set up as you normally would, then move your back foot back, behind you, so that you now have an exaggerated closed stance.

    Your body line should be aimed far right, even though you are intending to hit the ball down your orginal aim line.

    Then, swinging along your body line, attempt to hit the ball down your orginal aim line.  You don't really have to try to hit it far.  Just attempt to hit it straight down the orginal line.

    You'll find that the only way you can do it is to turn your right wrist over before and through impact.  This is the feeling you're attempting to become familiar with.

    After you've hit 30-50 balls doing this, then take your normal stance and implement your newly acquired practice.  Just remember to swing along your aim line.  You'll find that your slice has been cured.

  2. If you are slicing the ball, then the club face is still open upon connection with the ball, pushing it out and to the right.  Try moving the ball forward in your stance.  Doing this will change  the position at which the ball will connect with the club face, making it more likely to hit the sweet spot.

  3. Put your left foot farther up than you left, and aim at your target the same.

  4. try a stronger grip

  5. Look at the target. Place the club square to the target.

      Set up comfortaby. Take the club back  to the top... and

      smack  it.  Good luck.

  6. I slowed down my swing and it helped a lot. Then have a friend see if your doing anything wrong.

  7. first put a tee directly behind your ball about a foot and a half back.... then place a tee ahead and to the right of your ball at about a 45 degree angle.  this tee should be a half a foot away. So when swinging hit the tee the that is behind your ball on your back swing and then on your follow through hit the other tee. this will give you the inside to out swing and prevent you from coming over the top and which causes slices.

  8. Rotate your right hand over your left through impact assuming your a rightie.

  9. First stop trying to kill the ball. You might want to try practicing just your back swing (the odds are you are starting your swing wrong) concentrate on keeping your arms and elbows straight and out. Most of us have the urge to bring our arms in and around like we were hitting a baseball. Try putting a glove under your left armpit and try to swing with out it falling out. If no glove just tuck your sleeve in. It will feel strange but it helps train your mussels. Hope this helps it has worked for me.

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