
I have a bank account with 80 grand. Do I still need to work?

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I am single and I live alone. All my bills are paid off and I receive a retirement from the U.S. Air Force.




  1. Depends, what percentage of your retirement does it take for you to live, and how much is the government picking up of your healthcare?

  2. $80,000 is enough to safely and consistently earn you an average of $3,600 a year at 4.5%.  So if your retirement payments plus an extra $70 a week is enough for you to live on, you'll be fine...

    Thank-you for your service...

  3. I'm in the Air National Guard in Wisconsin.  I'm also a Financial Adivsor and to determine if 80K is enough we need more info!  How old you are...what other sources of income you do you want to live...etc.  Send me a personal message and I may be able to help you out.

  4. Set up an annuity ASAP.  Guaranteed income for life.

  5. u need to contact me asap

  6. DearRobert P,

    You do not state your age, I reckon that $80,000 is not really that much for you to be retired permanently. If you use the money and invest wisely you can muliply that value  maybe four times.

  7. I'm retired Air Force, too.  80 grand isn't enough to see you through retirement.

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