
I have a basement with no electrical outlet how hard would it be to get one down there?

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I'm renting a four bedroom house. The basement has no electrical outlet we would really like to make that a room. How much would it really cost to get an outlet down there? and how hard would it be? should I make the landlord do it?




  1. 1st you need to ask your landlord if your allowed to do it   maybe he will split cost with you point out its a attractive feature for future tenants  but no probably not that hard as most elec panels are located in basement but figure out what you want in power  so it can be wired correctly get a electrician in so it can be done correctly

  2. you cant make your landlord do it, and its not smart to do diy electrical projects unless you're a skilled electrician.  if you do do it your self or if you pay someone you should ask your landlord first.  i recommend buying an extension cord and plugging it in upstairs and bring the other end to the basement, they make really long ones.

  3. mmmmmm, once again, your not really aloud to do it,your self ,cuz if you do, and it somehow causes a fire, your house insurance will be null and void,however it is quite simple, find a wall socket nearest to the basement, measure the distance to where you would like the new socket in the basement, attach a socket to it, turn OFFthe power to the downstairs power sockets (leave the lighting circuit ON) and connect the wire into the wall socket , DA DAR! good luck, and dont tell anyone I told you to do it.

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