
I have a bat in my house. What should I do???

by  |  earlier

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there is a chimney chute on the second floor




  1. Wait until the moon is full, then find it (it will be in a different form, like a pale faced human in a cape), drive a wooden stake through it's heart.

  2. call batman...heheeh seriously just call a pest/rodent ( they are flying rodents )  control place and let them deal with it

  3. I would shoot it. But I guess you could call animal control to inquire about a more animal-friendly way.

  4. Call the Cat Women or just shoooo it out with a broom!

  5. Take photos first "that's fantastic!, lift your right wing up just a little, good, good, now show us your fangs, beautiful!!", then open every window and door to release it quickly (they smell like wee wee).


  7. buy a baseball

  8. That happened to me a few weeks ago.

    Our house is small though so we opened all the windows and the doors going outside, shooed the bat into the hall and closed off all the inner bedroom, bathroom, closet, etc doors. It took about 10 minutes for the bat to fly out the window.

    If you live in a larger house, start by opening as many doors/windows as you can and closing off rooms and closets. IThen see if you can chase it into the living room or catch it in a net. If a net doesn't work, or you don't have one, get as many people as you can to stretch a blanket/sheet across the room and lift it up as high as you can (the idea being the bat will either fly into the sheet and you can ball it up and take it outside, or it will fly in the opposite direction of the sheet and hopefully near a door.) Just move the sheet in the direction of the bat, trying to close off the sides and top, and the bat will eventually move away from the sheet until you have it contained to one room.  

  9. Feed it bugs or use a net or pillow case and catch it.

    Once you catch it, show it to the nearest female for fun and excitement.

  10. open a window and let it fly out on its own. if you leave it be, its absolutely harmless. if it allows you to approach it without resisting, then its wise to call animal control as  thats an indication of illness, but do NOT  harm it, bats are absolutely invaluable keystone species in any ecosystem.

    do not handle it, just let it find its way out.

  11. Happened to me a few years ago.The bat was on the kitchen floor at 3am.Anyway called 911 for help and the cops showed up.Bats cannot fly if they are on the ground.They have to be up on a ledge or something high.Anyway if it is on the ground put a bucket over it and scoop him up.Take it outside and let him go..Good luck..

  12. The best thing to do is wait until it turns dark open your doors and shut off your lights. The bat will be attracted to cooler air and will fly out of your house, of course, you will have to sit there and listen for him, you will hear him flying around as soon as you don't hear him anymore shut your doors and hope for the best! The other problem you will have is how he got in the house to begin with you will need to prevent him from coming back. You might also want to pick up a tennis racket in case he flies towards you just smack him with the racket take a glove and pick him up and toss him outside. What ever you do don't let him stay in your house he will destroy it with his urine.Also, have your chimney checked out that might be where he came in at. They sleep during the day an are nocturnal so he will only come out when it turns dusk so look all thru out your house in the day time hours he will probably be up in a ceiling some where look for a small black object you may only see part of a wing sticking out. Good Luck

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