
I have a big jar of almond peanut butter, but there is all this oil on top.?

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and all I want is a spoonful, how do I go about getting it without getting a spoonful of oil? Thanks.




  1. You need to stir natural nut butters.

  2. you have a great jar of peanut butter! if it has to be stirred that means it's natural. just stir and  enjoy!!! if you buy natural peanut butter from the store it is actually stored in the refrigerator section and has to be stirred.  

  3. Stir it with a knife.

  4. nuts have a certain amount of fat, thus the want this, it means you got a good quality of almond butter, just stir it in and you'll be good...if you don't like stirring it every time you want some, i would suggest keeping in the fridge to keep the oil from separating  

  5. stir with a knife then get a spoon and get it that good? i saw it once but i bought natural reg peanut butter instead  cuz i know it's yummy :)

  6. just stir it up. the oil means it is a Good quality.

    i wish i knew more about the almond peanut butter, i have never heard of it but sounds good.

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