
I have a big nose, do i take up boxing?

by Guest56348  |  earlier

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allright so i really want to take up boxing ( 15 years old.....5'8....130 pounds) but i feel my nose will be a big i worry? .....i measured my left arm from armpit to fist and it was 25 this a average reach for my age..




  1. hey man your nose dont worry about it i box.  just learn how to slip punches or block.

    ur 5'8' and 130 thats good

    im 5'8 and 135 go 4 it.

  2. it's going to hurtt !! but you will do finee ! !

  3. If you want to go Box then go for it. You should just do it for fun or a hobby. Don't be fighting other people or getting in trouble with what you learned. Anyway just slip the punch get inside(close to them) and use combos. The jab will be used on you if your opponent has longer arms. If he jabs you you could slip your head or move your body then step forward and jab back. You could also just slap his hand out of your way and jab him. If you get inside expect the hook punches. If hooks come at you duck and keep your hands up guarding your jaw and temple area.  Then uppercut his jaw or sternum. You need some training in feet movement and reaction timing.

  4. The first time you're squarely socked in the snot-locker, you'll have your answer.

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