
I have a big pimple on the side of my nose and I have a date tonight! Help!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I know there's no way it'll go away by tonight but is there any way I can make it smaller or less noticeable? I don't wear makeup so I can't cover it up. I put a little toothpaste (and i mean a little, you could hardly even see it) on the spot last night but it didn't really work. Should i put more on next time? Help please!




  1. Well the only thing that i know REALLY works is to cover it up and make it barely noticeable is to use green cover up stick ( just a little goes a long way) and then regular concealer and a little powder to make it flawless. (

    (So you would have to buy a little makeup)

  2. well you better start wearing makeup

  3. Put on ice cube on it so the swelling will go down. After that, put some lemon juice on it to kill the bacteria.

  4. mouth wash not toothpaste! mouth wash with alcohol

  5. Well i used to us ARBONNE ADVANTAGE but my body just sort of created a immunity for itt. so what i use now are three things from one line of acne killers and one thing from another one.

    1. OXY FACIAL SCRUB MAXIMUM... this is a great acne wash for reducing redness in acne and decreasing the size of them noticably

    2. OXY FACIAL PADS CLEAR MAXIMUM.. what these do are after you wash your face with the scrub this soothes your face and brings a cooling sensation.. pluss these are great for oily faces becuse they wipe away the oil.. and they create a sort of shield so that no bacteria can get inside of your pores.

    3. OXY VANISHING LOTION MAXIMUM.. this is one of my favorite things. what this does is it cleans your pores out so that more that 99.99% of the bacteria is out of them.. then you cann just put it one your pimples as sort of a mask for about ten minutes then wash it off and the size, color and roundness of your pimples should be more than halfway gone

    4. CLEAN AND CLEAR PERSAGEL..thi is by far my favorite thing.. this totally erases all of your pimples. you just put it on before you go to sleep kind of as a mask and the next morning when u wake up our acne should be totally gone. also if you are conserned that your coverup is going to clog your pores then just right before you apply your coverup use this as alotion and rub it all over yourface thenn just apply your coverup as iff nothijng is there. it will help fit acne. plus since it is pretty thicke it will coverup your pimples noticably

    all of the following things that i just listed up there i bought at my local grocery store for under 5$ each..

    i hope that this works!!! get it as fast as you can and it should work in less than a half an hour!! good luck :)

  6. ok well first you take salt water and then mix. after that take salt water and mix it with real lemon juice! acid shrinks the pimple. it works like a charm everytime.

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