
I have a big problem in a dungeons and dragons under mountain campaign?

by  |  earlier

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here is the deal i (a dwarf fighter) am in the grasp of a queen spider digised as a 12 year old girl. she has charm personed to party members. if i attack her i run the risk of having a magic missel up my but. so how do i get out of this?

email me if you need more details pleas i need an anwser soon.




  1. Well its not a rule but We always played that whenever you are hurt of enter combat you get an additional chance to save Vs charms or glamors or illusions, becasue of the increased awareness level brough on by adrenalin. So you could start a fight with something else down there and hope they save vs the charm... but getting them to believe shes in disguise??? you can always just fall back some get behind her and Bum rush her not honorable but she is the spider queen after all and yer a dwarf.

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