
I have a big problem with mice! Is there anything to spray on the outside of the house they don't like?

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I have been using the traps that shock them immediatly so they don't suffer. That does seem to help but there are others. We left for our long vacation and came home to this. They are nasty and just want to get them out of my house. Any help would be great. Thanks




  1. get a cat or put out poison packs.  I think the death is relatively painless if not exactly instant:  they hemorrhage to death

  2. you can try putting Mothballs around the base of your house.

    Spraying with a mixture of  1/2 cup castor oil /2 gallons of water

    Spraying with 2TBSP Bloodmeal ( sold in garden stores)/1 gallon water( repells rabbits and deer too)

    And my favorite old fashion mouse trap.  1 bottle Karo corn syrup.. 1 Old  pot or basin.  dump the Karo in and it acts like a tar pit for mice.  They cant get back out and drownd.   Been used for years in areas where poisons were not allowed.

  3. CAT PEE!  The smell of a cat will normally keep mice away.  (Besides, this is the PET section).

  4. ugh this is the PET section try the gardening section

  5. i have six pet mice, i noticed they do not enjoy being wet, so maybe hose the outside of your house? DO NOT USE TOXIC SPRAY! if you are kind enough and dont use toxic spray to kill them, thats good, because it might effect your dogs health too, so hose where they keep coming or put an old shoe there. when they are in the shoe, throw the show somewhere in a field or something (then bring your shoe back, and dont "throw" it, just put the shoe on its side and let mice crawl out. then bring shoe back). hope it helped!

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