
I have a bike suzuki v dies when you give it gas.idles good try to gas on it it dies?

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I have a bike suzuki v dies when you give it gas.idles good try to gas on it it dies?




  1. thats a very commen problem with suzukis your best bet is to change the fuel filter and if that don't work change the pump aswell

  2. I work in Suzuki Motorcycle and we don't have Vfour

  3. lack of Fuel Can cause this check the lines and the pet c**k make sure there is no blockage .

  4. Do you have the air filter installed?  If not, install one and see if your problem is fixed.

    However, your problems could be from a few different things.

  5. huh? so whats your question?

  6. its the diaphrams or the carburators need synched trust me i asked my husband he's a bike mechanic

  7. On my Suzuki, it had been setting up for a while, the gas in the carbs had gummed up.  It would idle w/ the choke on, but not without, and would not take any throttle.   Cleaning the jets/ fuel passages/  solved the problem.   If you are running an older Suzuki w/ carbs,  yank them and carefully inspect, clean, and re -install.   While you are in there you might as well replace the o-rings, and set your float height.   A good manual like a Haynes or Clymer's is a Godsend on an older bike.

  8. go to advanced auto,,,buy a can of sea foam,,,dump in half the can(in your gas tank)...if youre using a choke,,,make sure the chokes not out when u try to gas it,,let it idle for a while with the sea foam in the gas tank...that stuff works awesome and will clean your whole system out...then slowly try to give it just a lil gas to get the sea foam thru the system...if it takes just a lil gas,,,try a lil steps meng!

  9. Always give year, make, engine size and model # when asking questions. We need all of that info to give an informed answer.

    Ripped or torn throttle slide diaphragms.

    Gummed up and sticking throttle slides.

    Water in the gas, or float bowls.

    Carbs out of sync.

    Tight or leaking valves.

    Clogged air box or dirty air cleaner.

  10. sounds like the throttle isn't releasing the needle valve, it can be fixed but I would take it to a motorcycle shop and have the carbs rebuilt, it might cost in the neighborhood of $200.00 or $100.00 per carb, if you have two, then it might be alittle more, four about $100.00 apiece.

    What is happening is when you give it gas the bowl is only so full and you give it gas and it drys it up because the needle valve isn't allowing the flow to keep the bowl at a constant level.

  11. check the fuel lines or the carb might be flooding due to too much fuel flow

  12. have you check te air filter? if it is clean and muist in oil

  13. I'm thinking, that you don't LIKE it dying like that, so what you do is switch it off and it won't die. See how that works that's thinking outside the box, that is.

    CHOKE ON or OFF?  

    If the choke is on when you give it gas and it dies, push it back in first. Happens a lot, fuel mixture is too rich with the choke on. after it is warmed up shut the choke off.

    If it's already off, then you have a problem. It is too rich in it's normal state.  Did you fix/break anything?  Anything at all? Are you sure the choke butterfly is out of the airflow? And is idle no longer on the step for a fast idle?

    Cuz if this is happening with OUT any action on your part its a self-causing-defect, and you need a witch doctor, not us.

  14. just check if the oil pipe is free of dust and the carburettor is dust free

  15. Possible areas to look at----Plugged fuel filter,restriction at fuel petcock,carb air s***w needs adjustment,battery charging system is weak,poor ground,out of gas in tank,possible spark to ground on ignition under spark load intensity.You did not state what yr.,make,and model so we guess.

  16. i had the same problem on my suzuki dirt bike. you might want to check the magnetto and make sure its good and tight... and if thats not it, it sounds like a carboreator problem to me. take it off. clean the jets, and make sure choke is working properly.

  17. To me, sounds like an air problem. Too much or not enough, With the throttle closed the butterflies being closed creates suction in the carb, but when you gas it the butterflies open and it relies on the restriction of the air box to create that suction.

    Check to make sure the boots from the airbox to the carbs are all tight on both ends, and not cracked or torn. This would allow too much air and no suction in the carbs...

    Also check to make sure the air filter is in good shape, clean....

    If all of that is in good order, then it may be a diaphram in the carb or carbs...

  18. Since you really didn't ask a question, I guess at this point you're looking for acceptance.....It's cool man, we except you, even if you're riding around on a broke down Suzuki.

  19. I'd take a guess that your float level (or) if it's an injected engine then it could be the fuel delivery system < Fuel Pump pressure dropping or injectors dirty etc.

    Go online and look for a manual for your model bike and suss out the trouble shooting guides

    Good Luck

  20. i thinks its ur carborater...

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