
I have a birds nest on the porch w/eggs, blue with black spots. Its been about 2 wks and no babys. Whats wrong

by  |  earlier

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I noticed about a week after a put some ferns up on the porch that some birds had made a nest. Two weeks or more have gone by and still not hatched. Is there something wrong? We have stayed away from the fern so that the mother would not be scared off. What could be wrong?




  1. i have cockateils on eggs, and it takes 20-21 days for incubation (for cockatiels, may be slightly more or less for other birds)..

    so hang in there it should be soon, its good that you are staying back, some birds are easily scarred off.

    (i am excited we are at day 12 today .. and the silly things are on a nest in my dinning room, so the family gets a close up view of birds nesting...... )

  2. nothing is wrong it could just take longer tha 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch..

    just like humans take 9 months to be fully born..

    im sure they are fine just stay away from then and let them hatch on their own..

    if it takes more than 2 months to hatch them pick one up and see whats wrong with it..


  3. maybe u left your scent on the fern and they need to bey put in a incbator if the mother is not warming them call a bird wacther

  4. Two weeks is pretty typical, so they may be hatching any day now.  Remember, they do not start to incubate the eggs until all of them are laid, so you would count two weeks from the time she started to sit on the eggs, not from when she laid the eggs.  There is the possibility that these eggs are unviable and will not hatch...but only time can tell.   If they do not hatch, the parents will eventually figure it out and rebuild another nest and try again.

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