
I have a black belt in Okinawan Karate how long would it take to get one in tae kwon do?

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I practiced Okinawan Karate for 10 years until a develop a mild carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis, thank God my legs are still fine. Since Okinawan Karate spend 70% of training doing punches which worsen my hand I am hoping to make a transition to tae kwon do which is 70% of training are kicking. Be objective any tae kwon do black belts, I need your advice. Peace-out




  1. I don't see that you are implying that your conditions came from your Okinawan training.

    I can tell you if you think that switching to TKD is not going to help you.

    You need nutritional counseling for both conditions.

    I teach Okinawan arts and feel compelled to ask, what style and from who?

    If you have carpal tunnel from practice, it's because your instructor is probably one of those that has you doing knuckle push-ups until your knuckles bleed. As much as there are many who love to say that this type of training is the best - it isn't.

    That super hardcore training is what leads to unnecessary injuries.

    You should train correctly but you can't abuse your body. You must use herbs internally and externally and proper nutrition to promote healing. You must also rest.  

  2. 2 years. but if you happened to know some forms before signing up and a few kicks from tae kwon do id say maybe a year, year and a half. but it depends on da school. some schools suck and will give u a black belt in a year. others make u wait 3 years bt the korean way is 2 years. bt if you have weak hands it wnt affect your tkd cuz even tho u need hands to block its not for motor skills. just for blunt use. im the member and instructor for a school and i watch kids and adults get their belts in 2 years and everyone of them is actually desent in the ring. we teach them important sparring techniques unlike other schools which just do it for da money.

    you can look at tkd or you can look at muy thai. its a very hard martial art with a brutal learning curve. it will mess your legs up but if you learn it you can b deadly. my freind took muy thai nd i refuse to spar with him. his legs are deadly.

  3. Specificlywhat style o Okinawin karate did you train, because most have a much better balance between hand and feet then 70/30%? The 70% to 30% thing is normally th figure that people whodon't know any better spout off.

    As for your question it depends on the school how long it will take.

  4. They might skip you a couple belts, but overall it can take you 3 or more years, pretty much, they dont take your okinawan karate into account since its diffrent from taekwondo, not so diffrent, but diffrent enough. but if you did ITF taekwondo and you swtiched to WTF taekwondo, then you might be able to get a blackbelt on your first day, but ofcourse, thats not guaranteed.  

  5. i dont know but it took me 3 years. it depends what your studio is like.

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