
I have a blister that hurts so bad. what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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I have a blister on the back of my heel that is huge. It has already popped and the skin is scrunched up at the bottom of it. It's raw and bleeding a little bit. How can i make it stop hurting and what is the best way to treat it. thanks




  1. POP IT

  2. I am a CCMA

    Triple Antibiotic and a band-aid

  3. ME TOO! just put a lot of neosporin on it, and put bandaid's on it. don't pop it, it just makes it hurt more. :[

  4. Trim away the skin. Soak it in warm salt water before you go to bed.  Leave it uncovered.  Daytime use a bandage and Neosporin or other antibiotic ointment.  Please stay away from your manicurist's footspa.  Once I got a blister on my heel and I picked up an infection from the footspa that took me a very long time to get rid of.

  5. If the blister is already torn open, trim the skin with a pair of small, sharp scissors.  Then put a bit of antibacterial cream on it.  If the pressure from shoe is causing increased discomfort, get a piece of "mole skin" from pharmacy (over the counter) & make a "donut" just a bit larger diameter than the blister & place over the area.  Keep it clean & it should heal in 2-3 days.

  6. Um...

    I would try washing it.


    a band-Aid... every.. um.. I would say about two or three days.

    Then if it gets worse or anything go ask a Doctor about it! GL

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