
I have a blister with liquid in it and don't know waht to do...?

by  |  earlier

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I ve had summer dance camp since mon. Today we have a verrry long and painful hour and half pointe classs!!! Once It ook my shoes off, i noticed i had a blister. This is my first blister but i have been dancing on pointe for 3 years. As the day went on it got bigger. Do i pop it? How do I pop it? i also have class for the next 2 weeks. please please please help! i dont want it to pop in my pointe shoes tomorrow. Please help!




  1. UM pop it with your hands/ nails  and put on neosporn and a band aid and try to clean it out with rubbing alchol and good luck in point " it rocks"

  2. well if you pop it use a needle that is sterilized. It doesn't hurt when you pop it with the needle and liquid does come out so have a napkin ready. I wouldn't suggest tearing off the dead skin though because then it stings and you wouldn't want tender skin on your feet when you're dancing right?

  3. Get a sewing needle, clean it with alcohol, then use the needle to puncture the blister. squeeze the water out, put some neosporin or other antiseptic on the site, and then bandage it or put a bandaid on it. Just keep it clean and it will be fine.

  4. I dance too, and i've been told numerous times not to pop it. But if your having trouble walking i suggest you do i usually just talk a safety pin that has been cleaned with rubbing alchol. But afterwards put some bactracin on it and cover it with a band aid so avoid infection.

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