
I have a bluish-tint on my plasma tv in the upper-left hand corner.?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a way to treat it without taking it to a repair shop?




  1. I had something similar before and found it was caused by  one of my audio speakers which was  too close from the TV and as you probably know, any device having an energized coil or magnet near the screen will project its magnetic field. So before you take your TV for repairs make sure you dont have any equipment close to your screen that could cause this.

  2. Looks like you might have a dead-spot.  How old is the TV - if it's under warranty, call the customer service line asap.

    As for treating it, it's very hard and unless you have the patience, you may end up doing more damage than good.

    Good luck!

  3. This is known as plasma burn which is the last thing most plasma manufacturer wants. try unplugging the mains plug while screen is on then leave it unplugged for 30 far as i know this is not repairable unless the whole display is changed. sorry can't help to resolve.

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