
I have a body question!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey i'm 14 yrs old and when i was wiping i saw this little white things moving around all over the place. I want to know what they r. Is there something the matter with me or anything?




  1. um ya i have never heard of that before. I would probably get that checked out ASAP

  2. what you might have is called pin worms , don't worry its common and you can pretty much get them from anything even food but all you gotta do is talk to you're mother and explain to her your problem because it can cause a vaginal discharge, once you talk to your mom she should take you to the doctors and they well give you medication it should clear up with in a few days.

  3. u have worms

    my firends sister has them and they ussually go away afte awhilte

    but sometimes  u have 2 go get them removed tell ur parents

    see what they say and ask 2 go 2 a doctor!!


  4. explain more  

  5. you might have crabs aka pubic lice, kind a gross go to the gyno.

  6. Go to the doc. quick, they're worms that come from your intestine, you they acctually come out at night and hatch, but make sure you don't touch anything else like your eyes, of mouth, cause they can go back in.  make sure your family gets checked too. seriously.

  7. Maybe Crabs? I don't even know. Get your self checked out forreal.

  8. wiping your butt or vag?

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