
I have a boyf but i fancy someone else...?

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I've been with my boy friend for nearly two years and I do love him but we are now living on opposite sides of the country and thus having a long distance relationship and it will be like this for at least a year due to circumstances beyond our control.

I'm ok with trying to keep the relationship going but having gone home and back to my old work I'm working with a guy I've known for a couple of years and we are friends but recently he keeps joking with me about s*x and stuff and always comes over and chats to me (as I do with him) and yesterday he caught me crying coz I had had an argument with my boyfriend and he listened to my problems and hugged me and kissed the top of my head and stuff.

I used to fancy the h**l out of him when I first met him and I was single before I left and now I feel these feelings returning but I don't know what to do, not sure if he likes me or is just a flirt and so is just being friendly. I will never cheat on my boyfriend but our relationship is getting strained. What do I do?




  1. do the other guy and never tell your boyfriend.

  2. Ask the guy. If he likes you and you like him, tell your boyfriend, dun leave him hanging, its cheating, but say it nicely, say sry, ask if still can be frens. :D

  3. He definitely likes you, but deal with your boyfriend before anything. Tell him you aint feeling him anymore, and then work it from there. Maybe he can come visit you to re kindle the flames.

  4. I have such a similar problem to you. It's so same it's unbelievable. Is your mind saying one thing and your heart saying something else? No matter what it is, go with your heart and good luck. Whatever one you love, and loves you for who you are, go with him.

  5. what you should do is some you going to regret later.

  6. Talk to your current fellow. He may have someone out there that he is attracted to. It's time to be honest about your feelings.

    it will be like this for at least a year due to circumstances beyond our control.

    A year is a long time to wait for someone who may not be meeting your needs. Relationships are about communication and trust.

  7. Take a break with your boyfriend, you dont want to tye yourself to your boyfriend marry him then discover you want to be with someone else. Take a break and re evaluate things maybe try dating other people like this guy you fancy.

  8. ask your boyfriend to take a break until you can live closer together. say its getting too strained.

  9. Long distance realationships can work if your in love with that person and know der will never be anyone else. Every one has a crush somtimes though even if there married. If you dont love your long distanced office boy i say brake it to him gently that you dont think its working. Leave it a month or so and then you can flirt with the guy in your office with out feeling guilty. Hope this helps.  Lil mis love helper.

  10. Follow whatever your heart tells you.

  11. I think you need to realize what you WANT. If you want the current boyfriend, then you need to realize that. Is he coming back soon or is this a permanent move? Maybe you could consider moving there to be closer to him? I know it's a huge change, but if you love him - make it work!

    IF you don't want that life change then you need to end the relationship. You will feel better about not cheating and you will be free to date anyone else. But I really think you need to talk it over with the current boyfriend. You need to fix things there before jumping into something else.

    Good luck! I know the long distance issue - my husband lived for 8 months in a different state and that was h**l. I did some things that I will regret forever. Don't do that to yourself. It will end eventually with the current boyfriend if you act on these feelings for that other guy. So decide now what you really want.

    Hope it works out for you - let us know!

  12. it happens to everyone at least once in a relationship

    but you'll get over it just like everybody else does.

  13. you shouldnt feel like your relationship is a chore, and if it is, then maybe its time to let go

  14. firstly you don't know if this guy at work even likes you so don't do anything rash without finding that out first and finding out what that guy would want, but before u do that you need to work out wether being with your boyfriend in a long distance relationship is really what you want, if you cant see it working , then break it off with him , even if you end up single because surely you could e happy with someone else, if there is a chance you and your boyfriend could live in the same place again then maybe keep it going, but find out those 2 things and go from there.

  15. Dont get involved with someone you work with. Stay Loyal  

  16. I would break up with your boyfriend.. or take a break and see other people.

    long distance relationships are hard to keep strong.

    And this new guy is right there with you and you like him.

    It sounds like he likes you too.

    And if things dont work out with the new guy you will eventually meet someone else.

    But either way it sounds like your current relationship needs a break for a while, maybe a permenent one.

    If you do take a break i was told if its ment to be you will get back together. If not then it wasnt ment to be.

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