
I have a boyfriend but I really want to be with this girl...?

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Okay so I am taken by this amazing guy. Weve been together for a year. I really am in love with him and I like him alot. Sometimes he is kind of rude to me, and we have been on plenty of breaks. But we always end up back together, and I really love him.

But over the past few months, I have become really interested in this girl. Like alot. Im obsessed with her. I usually never get butterflies around my boyfriend. But whenever I just look at this girl, I start to shake and get butterflies. Im really really like her.

I told my boyfriend that I kind of like girls, but he got super mad. He is definitely against g*y people and he is against cheating.

Well this girl that I like pretty much told me that she likes me too. and that she would kiss me if i ever wanted to learn how to kiss a girl or whatever.

If I told my boyfriend that I even like her, he would break up with me and If I kissed her i would definitely lose him. But I dont want to miss my chance with this girl that I really really like.

What should i do?




  1. This is totally up to you, you could try to get him to come around to the ideas of g**s, and mabye even threesomes, but that seems doutfully. Just follow your heart and your gut. Be with the one that makes you feel good and loved.

  2. Up until the "he is definitely against g*y people" part, my advice was going to be different...

    I wouldn't continue a relationship with him.

    But that's me.

  3. First of all: you are a real girl.

    Second off: This is really your decision. You know, we can tell you what we'd do but ultimately it is your choice. So weigh it out. Is this amazing boy worth missing your chance with this amazing girl? And if not, are you sure this girl is good enough to end what you've got with this guy? It's all up to you. If you feel like this relationship is restraining you and you're not in the right place in your life to remain committed, break it off. Otherwise, if you don't want to lose him, than don't do anything with the girl.  

  4. Hello,

    He sounds okay, but is he worth it if he is rude?  If he is also completely against g*y people and you might be bisexual, is he getting to know the real you?  Like everyone else said, it is ultimately your choice.  Just follow your hear; it usually ends up somewhere good!

    Good luck

    Catherine B.

  5. ive been with my boyfriend for a year as well. he has his moments were he really gets on my nerves but i love him. we are not in the situation that you are in but if you love him give him a chance. if he doesn't act right and you keep having to take this breaks that you say you keep taking then give the girl a chance if you are sure that you like her as much as you say you do. my mother always told me that if you love something let it go and if it loves you then it will come back to you and if it doesn't then it was never yours to begin with

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