
I have a boyfriend.. my guy friend asked me if i wanted to go to an amusement park with him.. should i go?

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I have a boyfriend.. my guy friend asked me if i wanted to go to an amusement park with him.. should i go?




  1. Sure.  If your boyfriend has trust issues, that's his problem.  Just don't give him anything to worry about.

  2. just you guys

    idk sounds like fun

    but i dont think you should

    if you know nothing will happen bewteen you guys

    and talk to your boyfriend about it and tell him nothing will happen

    then go for it

  3. yeah, you are friends, you can act like it. don't worry

  4. don't ask me....ask your boyfriend.

    it's not about trust, it's about respect.  this is how things "just happen'.  been there a million times.  even if nothing were possible to happen, it makes your boyfriend look foolish to have his girl off with someone else.  and it would emphasize her private life.  it's as if to say......this is not my boyfriend.  it's a friend that i happen to enjoy spending time with, i like his company and i get on great with him.  well, in the olden days.  that's what a boyfriend was.  by calling him 'just a friend' , you're reinforcing the fact that there is no sexual conduct between you.  like you do with your boyfriend.  it speaks volumes about you and puts a great importance on sexuality.  after all, we know we dump men but keep the guy friends.  the guy friend relationship is stronger and more important than a boyfriend.  

    show your boyfriend that he's important to you.  ask him if it would be bothersome to him.  ask him if he'd like to go.  if he says go on ahead without him, it wouldn't bother him........choose to stay with him.  it will show integrity.  it will also be a loving gesture.  show him the love.  

  5. Yeah as long as there aren't feelings between you guys there shouldn't be a problem. If your bf has a problem with it, just explain it to him and tell him that there's nothing to worry about.

  6. u shld go if u have trust on him.

  7. Yeah it's alright just to an amusement park. but tell your bf first don't try to hide it

  8. if u want to u can also ask ur Boy friend if u want but just say it is just a friend thing and u aranged it ages ago and u should be ok



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