
I have a braces question.

by  |  earlier

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So, I just got my braces on like a week ago. But, they only put braces on the first four front teeth because I need a few teeth removed. Anyway, one of my rubber bands came out. And I'm not going to the orthodontist until the middle of September. Should I be freaking out?




  1. nope dont freak out haha i got mines taken off! haha.. just throw the rubber band away and wait till yur next appoitment and they will put new ones.. trust me everything is fine haha!! :D

  2. I got my braces off last October after having them on for 1 1/2 years.

    You can put the elastic back on assuming you still have it.

    Use a toothpick or something small and loop it around the 2 posts on either side of your brace.

  3. call them.. -.-

  4. Don't freak out! the first week i got my braces on two of my brackets came off which is worse than just the rubber band coming off. I say call your orthodontist and ask him if you should come in to get it put back on  or weather it will be okay to leave it until your next appointment. Also if it is just a rubber band you may be able to put it back in by yourself with a pair of tweezers.      

  5. Well.. you don't have to freak out. haha. It just means you need to call the dentist office back, and let them know. They'll most likely want to schedule you earlier so they can fix the rubber band. Good luck! :D

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