Today I posted a question asking about re lactating, and thank you all for the advice. I went and got the Medela pump that was recommended and today I was able to pump 1/2 ounce. My question is this...does this really make a difference? I know that breast milk is best, which is why I'm trying so hard to build up my supply again to be able to BF her (and I think on my first day 1/2ounce is good, right?) But does that 1/2ounce really make a difference for her right now? I noticed that her bowel movement was softer than the peanut butter consistency that formula makes it, but I also wondered if I was imagining it. Also, I was wondering if it's OK to pump into the same container during the day & then give it to her in bulk instead of giving her little by little during the day. Thanks for all the answers and advice! I truly hope I can continue this, and be able to provide breast milk to my daughter again!